
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Verse to ponder:

Matthew 5:5
"Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.:
What is meek? Is it a quiet, mousy person with no personality or opinions to speak of? No, it is giving total and complete submission of your life over to the Lord.
In the past year, I have really tried to live a life pleasing unto the Lord. Between studying and the preaching I get at church, I am learning so much. I have been a Christian for 13 years and a year ago I realized that I wasn'y growing anymore. I was in an enviroment that was good for baby Christians but once you stopped worshipping the preacher and looked into His Word, you realized there is so much more to learn.
I still have a lot of work to do. Be honest, we all do! If we lack in our Christian life, what does that say about us? About our God?
My advice for you is to pick a verse, a Godly character that you need to work on and then strive to be that kind of person. Little be little, I can see the differences in my life from just a year ago.
I once read in a Christian Womanhood magazine about how we need some quiet time in our lives. This is so true. In a day and age of tv, radio, CDs, MP3's, ipods, etc., we really don't have a lot of quiet time in our days. How can we expect to hear the still small voice from our Lord with so much racket going on? I think of Moses and how he was on the mountain top for 40 days with God. He had to get away from the partying, the music, the loudness of the Isrealites to hear from God. Even though that was thousands of years ago, why should it be any different for us today? God hasn't changed.
Take some time and enjoy the peace and tranquility. Talk to God and listen for His response. Meditate on the scriptures. Pick a verse and memorize it, apply it to your life and then repeat it once you've gained control in that area of your life. It's still a struggle to let Him have all of my anger over those who have hurt my family and myself but as Jesus has forgiven them, so have I. It becomes easier each day and then I can concentrate on those other characteristic flaws I have. For me, right now, I'm working on becoming meek instead of outspoken on all my opinions.
What is it that you need to work on?

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