
Monday, April 7, 2008

April Showers...

That has been a very true saying for our area. It is wet, wet, wet!
The girls went to spend the night at their friends house Friday night. Jay and I went out to a place for dinner that we hadn't been to before and enjoyed eating outside. After taking a walk together, we went to Barnes and Noble for awhile. We were waiting for the rain but other than a couple short showers, there wasn't much.
We ended up picking Emily up on the off chance that she would have a soccer game Saturday morning. After a very restless night of getting up and listening for the rain to hit the skylight in the bathroom, Emily had to be at the fields at 8 for pictures. The fields were soaked and I was in shock that they were still having games in this crappy weather.
I can't believe I paid $21 for an 8 x 10 team picture taken in the rain! They know how to sucker us in! If Brysen wasn't on her team, I probably wouldn't have bothered with them.
Then, in the rain, a bunch of 5 year olds got out there and played! It was a miserable game for the adults to stand and watch. Some of the children had to splash in the puddle in the middle of the field every time they went past it. Not my prissy girl though. She kept clean!
After the game, while Becca was still at her friend's, we went out for breakfast at Cracker Barrel with Brysen's family. That was a good breakfast MMMM...
Next, we picked Rebecca up and headed to the mall. Boy do I really dislike that place! I'm sorry, Mom, for making you take me there weekend after weekend to hang out with my friends!
We looked at cameras at Ritz Camera store, which was a waste of time. I didn't find anything I liked and the sales people really didn't know enough to help me out.
While at the mall, the girls bought a birthday present for a friend at church. They were missing out on her birthday party at a sports complex because Jay had made other plans. It was an outdoor party and they played putt-putt in the rain. I had filled my quota for being out in the rain for the day.
We went to my sister's for the evening so Jay and my brother-in-law could build a computer.
While the men did their thing, us girlies played monopoly downstairs and watched the new movie Enchanted. It was a good movie and now I need to go and buy it!
We all went out for dinner, had a bunch of laughs, and stayed out way too late! Emily fell asleep on me at the restaurant and took a short nap.
We arose to a dark and gloomy Sunday. It was very hard for me to get up and get going yesterday morning but the church service we had made up for it! It was a very powerful sermon on revival. Oh, how important it is that we have revival- not just in the church but in our homes and with ourselves individually. Like I said, it was very powerful and made you run to the alter!
After lunch and reviewing AWANA verses, we all took a nap- well, every one but Emily. She played by herself in the playroom. Becca was laying on the floor going over her verses and fell asleep. She was slam tired from staying up late Friday and Saturday nights.
Sunday evening service was a blessing as well. Five men plus the pastor went to Cambodia and the Philippines a few weeks ago. They had put together a slide show presentation and each man gave a testimony of their trip. We are so unbelievably spoiled. America has so much materialistically yet the people aren't truly happy. Those in Cambodia have practically nothing but have true happiness in our Lord. It really makes you think. And hopefully repent for our selfishness and pride.
Today was another gloomy day. Emily and I slept in until 9 and we woke Rebecca up at 10:10 a.m.! After a bit of school, we had to head out for swimming lessons/gym class. It was the last week but since the children liked it so much, they decided to do another session. I took pictures and videos of their progress and fun. I'll get those posted after I upload them.
We've eaten dinner now and it's time to go finish up the school work that didn't get done this morning.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Yes, I'm feeling very gloomy from the rain too! We really need some sunshine so the youngin's can go out and play! Love you guys!