Saturday was beautiful. It started out with Emily's soccer game. She is so much fun to watch. Unfortunately, I left the camera in the car during her game. Since her games are first thing in the morning, she isn't really ready to start moving until the second half. But once she gets out! She also doesn't eat breakfast beforehand so I know that makes a difference also. She has fun and that is all that matters to her.
These are photos from Rebecca's game. Her team was up against a fierce team! The lost but they really did try hard! It was hot at 2 p.m. and that makes it all the harder to run. You really are missing something by not coming to see her play. There are only 2 more games left of the season.
She is playing on an all girl team with girls ranging in ages from 6 to 8. You can really see the gap in this this age range. The older girls have the concept down a bit more. It helps that they have a good coach who really knows what he's doing. It's really neat to watch the girls play on their strengths and get goals by doing so.
We spent a huge chunk of the day running. Since none of us had eaten breakfast before the game, we headed over to chick-fil-a for breakfast. Yummy chicken biscuits. It was then that the topic of dogs came up. I'm really not sure how. We decided that after breakfast, we'd kill some time by going to pet smart. We didn't need to go far. Right there in the parking lot was the Humane Society with lots of cute puppies and kittens. Rebecca fell in love with a little girl puppy. Rebecca wants one really bad and the mom in me wants to see her get one. It's really just a fleeting thought because I don't like pets! She would do great with a dog though... Well, a small one that wants lots of babying! Emily is with me. She doesn't want one either. Thankfully, the head of the household put his foot down and said an emphatic "NO" to those cute little creatures.
Rebecca's game wasn't until 2. I really do dislike it when their games are so far apart! It messes up our day. We filled in the time with shopping for a birthday present for a party they were going to today (Sunday). We ended up going to 3 different stores looking for just the right gift for little Breanna.
I am camera shopping and we've finally narrowed it down to the 2 we're (probably) going to get.
Jay isn't an impulse buyer. He has to shop around, look online for the greatest deals and check out all the reviews on anything before he buys it. He feels that we should spend the money God gives us reasonably. I agree but I really want a new camera! Especially one that doesn't tick!
Sidenote... he found one online last night for a great deal. He's getting the camera, small tripod, extra batteries, and other bonuses for less than the cost of the camera at Costco (the cheapest place he'd found it so far). He was so excited last night. He ordered it and will pick it up today. Too bad I won't have any memory for it yet. Happy mother's Day to me! Here's the camera, I think! It's waterproof! It'll be great for days at the water parks, on our cruise when we go snorkeling and feeding the stingrays, and water rides at Busch Gardens and Disney World.
The children's choir sang this morning. Emily sang a verse by herself. It really was too cute. Although I am prejudice! Enjoy the 2 videos of the girls! Be sure to scroll down to the bottom and hit the pause button on the music so you can hear the girls clearly!
I didn't even explain this one! Last night was the last official night for AWANA. They will have one more night of awards but as far as regular nights, this was it. They had crazy hair night. Rebecca had the idea to put candy in her hair. That left me with the what, now the how. I hot glued the candy to bobby pins. Emily wanted a Hawaiian head. It was a lot of fun doing it and they both won for their age groups. Emily, who hardly ever wins anything with the over achiever of a sister she has, was thrilled to win. Love the photos! Emily also finished her workbook. She has completed her regular book and workbook :o) She's done so well. I am very proud of both my girls.
I have more odds and ends to post but will do that later. It's late and I really am exhausted. We left the house at 9:30 this morning and didn't get home until 12 hours later. I'm full of chips and enchiladas... Time to go to bed!
In His Precious and Wonderful Name,

1 comment:
Shea - Love the video of my sweet children singing. Could you not have ended it with my behind in the picture?? LOL! Maybe we should get you to be the official video taker of the singing. It would be great to add to the website for the church. Talk to you soon. Meredith
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