
Friday, May 23, 2008

Wondering where I've been this week?

You can tell it's springtime here in central Va. The weather has been wonderful. We've been living it up.
After spending the day with friends on Wednesday, I got the moving bug all over again. We figure that with gas prices on the rise, we might as well move to our vacation spot because we won't have money to travel there a couple times a year. Yeah, yeah... All talk? We're thinking that in 3 years, if my grandma has passed, we will be making the journey south.
Doesn't sound appealing for you to come visit us? Check out my new favorite blog. Greetings From Orlando The photos are amazing. I have taken the time to look through each and every post on there.--that's why I haven't responded to any of my e-mails!
I have some more photos to post from our week but you'll have to be patient with me! I still haven't uploaded them all. I have added a couple pictures in the previous 2 posts. Don't forget to see those.
Here is just a short clip of the girls playing around in the pool after the last swimming lesson. Rebecca's nose was burning from doing so many somersaults under water that she started holding her nose. In this clip, she's doing more of a spastic flip than anything else. As long as she is having fun, huh?

In His Precious Name,


Scott Johnson said...

I finally had a chance to visit your blog. You left so many great comments and I was curious about what your blog was. I promise I won't be a lurker. I am also very protective of my family.

But I did want to tell thank you for the link as well as the gracious words! I do love it here, and love my "hobby" of showing it to the rest of the world. I will have to take better photos to live up to the amazing part...

Thank you again and may God continue to bless you and your family.

Anonymous said...

how in the world did I miss the grill incident? They are nuts! We sure had a great time. Lets plan another get together!!!
