
Thursday, June 19, 2008

more N.B.T. pictures

During Rally time, they split the children up and named them the Mighty Men and Wonderful Women. They take up an offering and have a contest each day between the 2 groups. It is based upon weight instead of actual amount. The children bring in all the pennies they have for offering. The children can also exchange a dollar for 2 penny rolls. If you bring $5, you can buy a gold brick. The gold brick weighs a lot so you want those gold bricks in your bucket. On the first day, they measured it and something happened that I'd never seen before. The offering buckets were balanced. So, it was a tie. But every other day, the girls have won as you can see in this picture.
Here are the four finalists from the coloring contest between the primaries. The have their backs turned so they can't see who is voting for them. We'll find out Friday night who won but I'm thinking it's the littlest girl. Another teacher and I were to pick the finalists. After I picked 2 and the other teacher picked 2, Emily wanted to know why I didn't pick her for the best coloring. Sometimes it's not always best to be your child's teacher.

We have a mystery man. He has been coming the past couple days and stealing things during Rally time. He is super fast and very well covered making it difficult to figure out who he is. I was able to get one photo of his back today. Like I said, he's very fast! The children are all having a great time trying to figure out who it is. Funny thing is, it's someone different each day!
Yesterday, Rebecca and many others guessed who he is but we can't let them know if they are correct or not. I told them Mr. Brian is too old and has a bad back. Do they think he could run that fast? haha
Here is Emily playing Simon Says. She was one of the last few out of a class of 44 but didn't win. She did great though!
Here is Emily with 3 of her friends from our homeschool co-op. We were all excited that they came to be her neighbors and have fun in Neighborhood Bible Time.

1 comment:

Tammie said...

Hi Shea, thanks for checking out my blog. I'm so jealous that you can go visit Laura whenever you want (but not much longer, I guess). Anyway,I frequently check out your blog to see what's going on. Your little ones are adorable, and I love reading your blog. I guess now that we're pals I'll have to start leaving comments too. :)