
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Is 8 too young to be receiving phone calls? Is this a sign of what's too come? Rebecca and her best friend are spending lots of time on the phone lately. What do they talk about? Webkinz!!! They play on Webkinz while talking on the phone. It's quite funny to listen to them. Sometimes there is just silence and I ask, "Is she talking?" Nope.

She has this one special friend that she has known since birth. They grew up in the nursery together, same Sunday school class and now they don't see each other as much as they like. She is the only child that Rebecca has really clicked with (that live in this country now that Samantha moved away) that I have absolutely no fears of her being with. It's the only person whose house the girls are allowed to spend the night at. And they love going over there!

Now that Rebecca doesn't get to see her that often since we changed churches and she's on a different gymnastics schedule that Bec, we have to make time to see Christine. Yesterday, I was taking the girls to play at (removed), by far the best blow-up play room type of thing. So we invited her friend to come along and they had a blast.

*I won't post any other pictures because I'm sure Rebecca will want them on her personal blog.

Afterwards, we ended up back here and guess where the girls ended up...on the computer. We tried to figure out how to let the 2 of them interact online but it wouldn't let them so they ended up playing the games together, sending each other mail and buying things for the other persons' pet. I'm glad Rebecca has had fun playing with this stuff this summer. It'll just be an added incentive to finish her school work in the fall!
Shew, she's off the phone now...

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