
Monday, October 27, 2008

Day 7: Friday

Since I can't upload the pictures from day 6: Typhoon Lagoon, I thought I'd skip ahead to Friday.
We are now in the habit of scheduling character dining each time we go to Florida. Out of each one we've been to, breakfast at Epcot was definitely the best.
We started the day off by seeing a bunch of hot air balloons flying in the sky. We were staying right outside of Champions Gate. If you ever visit the Champion's Gate Daily Photo (link to the right), you'll see several posts of hot air balloons. I was excited to see them up close and personal.
We headed over to the Grand Floridian for a character breakfast at 1900 Park Fare. It is an absolutely stunning resort.
Besides the normal breakfast foods, they also had a kid station set up with ice cream, gummy's, m&m's, and chocolate chips. Rebecca was in heaven having ice cream for breakfast! Emily barely ate any of the desserts, opting for the Mickey waffles and fresh fruit.
Here are the characters we were able to see and take pictures with:
Alice in Wonderland
The Mad Hatter " A very unhappy birthday to you"
A non favorite Pooh- I told Rebecca to just grin and bear it!
Another not so well liked character, Tigger.
And lastly but certainly not least, Mary Poppins.

After breakfast we wandered around the resort and then headed over to Downtown Disney. We had the girls wait until the end of the trip to purchase what they wanted. In the end, Emily got some scrapbooking hole punches where Rebecca walked away empty handed. She couldn't find anything worthwhile so instead of getting something just because, she chose nothing. This girl knows how to not waste her Daddy's well earned money.
Jay enjoyed goofing around with the hats that had hair.
The week we were there, this T-Rex place had it's grand opening.
It's a very cool knock off of The Rain Forest Cafe.
They even had a Build a Bear Dinosaur store in there. We didn't eat there as we had other things to do but it was neat to be there during the roaring/storm part. If you've ever eaten at Rainforest Cafe, you'll know what I mean.
Emily enjoyed digging up dinosaur bones.
Rebecca loves the Lego store. She could spend hours putting little creations together.
I'm thinking that might be a good birthday or Christmas present for her.
After Downtown Disney, we hit the Outlet Mall, Walmart, had dinner and then packed up for our much anticipated Disney cruise.

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