
Monday, December 1, 2008

Visit to Grandma's

Friday morning, while many were out shopping, we headed to my grandma's. Brandon and Misty went too making it more wonderful of a visit for Grandma. We went to out eat, spent lots of time talking and laughing, looking at photos on the internet and going through her old photos. I love any visit with my grandma and could stay with her for days.
I love listening to her stories from her childhood. Rebecca had to interview an older family member so she picked her great grandma for the project. I think I will come up with a few off the wall questions each time I go now as I don't want to lose any of our family's heritage when she passes away. What a tragedy that would be.

What a great aunt to let her neice do her hair at the dinner table (yuck!). Thankfully, we were all finished eating and were talking away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
