
Saturday, January 10, 2009

What to do when you feel bad...

Something odd has been going on inside my Emily's little body. She started with a bad headache and fever on Thursday (day and night) -no other symptoms- to a runny nose and no fever on Friday. Then, at 4 a.m.(this morning), I was awakened to her hysterically coughing (a croupy bark rather than cough). She couldn't breathe and it took nearly an hour to get her calm enough and relaxed to take a good deep breath. I seriously thought it was time for a trip to the ER. She was also running a very high temperature. She woke up at 7 when Rebecca got up for her game and although her eyes looked glossed over, she was fine. She hasn't run a fever all day. I did give her some cough medicine for the bark which has now stopped. She's enjoyed the day at home watching movies and relaxing with her butterfly blanket.
Last night, Rebecca asked if we could have some one on one time one day soon. Her request was approved today. She spent the morning with me and the afternoon with her daddy. They went to the science museum- which she loves!- and are now on their way to Walmart to spent a gift card she recently received.
As for tomorrow and going to church, I'll just have to see what tonight brings. I'm praying that Em doesn't start back up with a fever as we have jr. church tomorrow. I'd hate for Jay to have to go at it alone- not that he can't handle it! I enjoy being in there with him and both of my girls. We'll just have to see...


Ginger said...

Praying for your little lady.

Laura said...

So sorry she wasn't feeling well. I hate high fevers. Katie got up to 104.9 about a week ago. Not good- got it down and it never went back above 102. Hope Emily is feeling better and everyone has a great week and fun in school!