Love you Dad and I miss you!
some fond memories...
~My dad filled his boat up with not only water but bubbles too for me to play in as a pool. Now that I think about it, maybe I was just a cleaning tool. Either way, it was loads of fun.
~During the summers, he would drive me to my grandma's on Monday mornings while on his way to work. Sometimes I just snoozed because it was so early but other times we talked and it was great one on one time for us.
~When my dad was teaching me to drive, he had me on the highway leading to I 95. Just before the exit to 95, he had me pull over so we could switch places. He wasn't ready to die yet with me behind the wheel!!! He got out and picked me a bunch of flowers from the side of the highway. I later found out that was illegal and felt all the more special for it.
~My final memory with him was while he was laying in the hospital bed. I was able to talk to him, have him respond (non-verbally), and hold his hand as he slipped from this world into eternity.
*sorry I don't have any other pics of him to put up right now as my scanner has been disabled and I'm clueless as to how to hook it back up to the computer.*
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