
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Summer Hiatus

Sheesh! I don't think that I have ever stayed away from blogging quite this long. We had a great summer with lots of relaxing. We spend the school year constantly on the go that the break was greatly needed. We stayed up late, slept in late, goofed around and had fun. We didn't do anything extra special, no great vacations but that is ok. We are looking forward to our upcoming vacation to WDW and short cruise to the Bahamas this fall.
We enjoyed our visits with my grandma. The girls spent many late hours playing outside with our neighbor (meaning lots of bug bites!). There were sleep overs and some pool fun. We went to Busch Gardens and Water Country. The best thing that happened over the summer... my baby turned 7 years old. *pictures to come later.
We are back in the swing of things with school. We've had 8 great days so far. As much as we enjoyed the lack of schedule of the summer, it feels great to get back to it. Emily is in second grade while Rebecca started fifth grade. Fall soccer has started taking up 2 of our evenings and every Saturday until our vacation. Add gymnastics and church to the mix and we have a full schedule. We opted out of any co-ops for now as well as homeschool gymnastics, soccer, p.e. and the other great programs offered. We were on the go so much last school year that the girls really didn't get much free time to just be little girls. Although they miss their friends, they don't actually miss the activities. With our afternoons free, they have more time for playdates with their friends!
Oh, I did forget to mention. Our great friend passed on her piano to us. Rebecca is starting piano lessons next week. She is so very excited. Emily is very disappointed because she was looking forward to taking lessons as well. After discussing the situation with the teacher, we opted to hold Em off until she is serious about it with a bit more maturity under her belt.
Well, again, I am up later than I expected. That is definitely the hardest part of the school year--going to bed at a decent time and getting up early.

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