
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Apple Pickin'

Yipee! With Jay working for the state, he gets all these crazy state holidays off. Yesterday was Columbus Day so we decided to do something fun. We took a short drive to the closest apple orchard and made the best of a gloomy day. It was a lot of fun though. I can't wait to go to the pumpkin patch tomorrow.
We missed out on these fall activities last fall. Instead, we went on our 2 week Disney vacation-- the best I have ever been on before!
I took lots of pictures so I decided to upload them to Photobucket and make a slideshow. It must be acting up because it turned my right side up photos and make them sideways. I tried to orrect the problem but it didn't work. You'll just have to deal with looking at some of them sideways. :o)

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