
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dreaming of that private island with blue skies and even bluer water...

Where oh where does the time go?  The last blog update was in September... SEPTEMBER!  My, oh my, life sure does fly when you are having fun. 
September was a jumble of schooling, gymnastics, piano lessons, soccer practices, games, church, more schooling, gymnastics, soccer, soccer, soccer... I feel that my whole life is wrapped around my children.  It's not a bad thing.  Jay has been so busy with getting Microsoft certs and work that I had to stay busy or I'd go crazy. 
October rolled in and we were on a great schedule.  There wasn't much to life outside of our immediate family, but again, not a bad thing.  I love doing for my family.  That's my purpose here, isn't it? 
Anyways, mid-October, we left town.  Oh how I loved being on vacation with my family.  Again, more family time.  Sensing a priority here?  We spent 5 night/6 days at Walt Disney World, 7 nights on a Disney cruise and then another 2 days at Disney.  Shew, I was Disney-ed out!  The cruise was fantastic though!!! I have memories that will just have to last me until our next cruise in a year- well, 11 months now.  We were gone a total of 16 days and it was quite odd coming back to reality.  We literally missed half a month with limited contact with family or friends.  I would have no issues moving away to a tropical oasis with my hubby and girls.
Coming home on Nov. 1st to brrr *cold* was not our idea of fun.  Had to turn the heat on.  Not a pleasant wake-up call.  Had to put away the flip-flops, tank tops, shorts and bathing suits.  Sigh...
We left Disney World with fall decorations, cute mickey shaped pumpkins to Christmas play practices, Christmas music (Emily has a solo in the Christmas play), coats, rain, hat, gloves, well you get the point.  Yes, we've had a bunch of warm days since vacation and I'm very grateful for that blessing but we had some freezing cold days too.  I just enjoyed walking around Disney property at 1 am in short sleeves and flip-flops. 
We are still on the go each and every day.  I long for those lazy, jammie days.  No alarm clock.  I actually have that next day planned.  It's in 19 days :o)  Now watch, something will come up and I won't get to sleep in.  It's ok though.  Christmas is coming!
For Thanksgiving this year, I asked Jay if it'd be ok if we could just be moochers.  He was all for it!  We had 2 Thanksgiving meals that I didn't have to cook or clean for and an added bonus... we were given leftovers!!!  Now if my grandma had been well enough to come visit, I would have prepared a feast and enjoyed every minute.  Unfortunately, she had a recent fall and is too sore to travel. 
Well, that pretty much brings you up to date on us.  Our winter schedule is still as hectic as the fall except change soccer with basketball and cooking lessons.  I'm just thankful for the little blessing of tonight-- a Tuesday evening and I'm home!  Won't see another Tues night at home until the end of Feb. unless it snows.  Gotta love all these sports practices :o)  Oh, I can't leave you without a picture or two now, can I?

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