
Monday, July 2, 2007

What time is it? BIBLE TIME!!!

This past week was Neighborhood Bible Time at our church. If you've never experienced Bible Time, you are missing out! It's so much better than VBS. It is completely centered around Christ. We had the privilege to have a total of 208 children come to NBT this past week. Of those, 63 children made decisions. 36 of those decisions were for salvation. It was a wonderful, fun but exhausting week for all! I had the privilege of teaching the missionary story of Hudson Taylor to the primary's- first through third grade. Emily was in the preschool class. We had an award ceremony on Friday evening and here are a few pictures from it.

The incentive for the children to learn verses, doing their study guide and bring neighbors was to get as many ribbons as you can. This first photo is of our unbelievable preacher, Pastor Haskett giving Rebecca an award. She won the coloring contest, most verses learned, and first place over all for the third graders. There were an average of 40 children in her class. WAHOO BEC!
This next one is of Emily on stage with her class. They are laughing at Mr. Matt and the puppet. He was being very silly when trying to sing I'm inright, upright...Happy with the Lord. See all of Emily's ribbons? She won fourth place in her class of 28 children.

Both girls earned a cream pie. Did they eat it? NO! They smashed it in Mr. Andrew's face! What a mess!

Here is sweet Emily showing off her ribbons. She learned 4 new verses.

Here is my over achiever! She's showing off her awards and Bible that she won. She worked very hard learning 12 verses in 4 days.

See how long her ribbons are? It's no wonder she won first place for her class.

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