
Thursday, January 10, 2008

As I was sitting at my desk a little while ago, I had Rebecca on the right doing a report on Indians and Emily on the left doing a paper. She had to read the words and circle the one that matches the picture. I love hearing her sound out each letter of the word.

I'm reminded back to those days a couple years ago when Rebecca was at this stage. I thought it would be never ending until one day, we sat down for her to read to me. There was the greatest moment of complete adoration as she read fluently to me.

Now I take her reading for granted!

Listening to Emily, I'm so unbelievably happy that I am able to stay home and teach these girls not only the things the world requires but those lessons in being a Godly child of the King. To think of someone else honing in on MY moments...

Reading is a long process, for our family anyways, and it's wonderful to see Emily's eyes light up when she "gets it". Hope you enjoy the video.

My favorite part is at the end when Emily holds the paper up and says "A+ please!"

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