
Monday, January 7, 2008

Here are those pictures from awhile ago that I wanted to post. My friend Amy came over to watch the girls for an hour or so one night and Rebecca was so excited to have Ashley come over so they could play dress up. This is what I came home to. They were so unbelievably wound up that night. I've NEVER seen either of the three girls like that before. They had a blast with the make-up. Thanks Amy!!!


Marci said...

Your little girls are precious.

You asked on my blog where I got my snowmen. If you look down on the right hand side sidebar, there are links to the 2 graphic sites I got them from. Thanks for visiting!!

Anonymous said...

These girls are really Precious Gems !!!( no pun intended) These poses are great. They love to dress up and have fun. Don't think they will ever get bored as long as they have dress up clothes jewels and makeup.