
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Field Day

The day most school children look forward to: Field Day! It not only represents a day of fun and games but it's also means school is almost over for the school year. Our co-op held it on Tues. and the weather couldn't have been better! I remember those days in elementary school as being the hottest day ever and having to play physical games that involved speed and movement- both of which I was not good at.
The schedule was as follows:

9:30 AM meet at church
9:45 AM Opening Ceremony. Games start. Games #1,#2, #3
10:50 AM potty & water break
11:00 AM Games resume Games #4, #5, #6,
12:15 Closing Ceremony Lunch(Pizza & Water)

The games that they participated in are as follows:
1. Olympic Torch Relay
2. Dragon Race
3. Javelin Throw
4. Star Ball Race
5. Standing Broad Jump
6. Tug of War

Opening ceremony
getting lined up to be put into 3 groups of 7
Emily in purple sweater towards the front of the line and Rebecca is in a white sweatshirt, standing 2 children behind Em

passing ball under legs and over head

love the "torch"
she's a winner
They received metals and paper wreaths to imitate the Greeks.

Since Brysen and Ashley were here, we made it a fun day. The weather was perfect. We stayed outside ALL day and we all slept good last night!
In His Precious Name,

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