Wahoo! I have such a great husband. I have been wanting a new camera for quite awhile. My old one is about 3+ years and kind of out dated. It was broke 2 months after it was purchased and fixed for free (thanks to Kodak) but the video has an annoying ticking sound. Actually, if you hold the camera up to your ear, you'll hear it click constantly. The microphone is so sensitive that it picks it up clearly when making a video. So, he not only got 1 new camera, he got me 2.
In the great search for another camera, Jay wanted an underwater one for the cruise and to use on rainy days. Would have been nice last WDW trip! I carried my camera around in a plastic bag so it wouldn't get wet in the rain. After lots and lots of extensive research, he found one he liked and got the newest model. It's an Olympus and takes great photo but doesn't have a very good zoom.
I've been using it like crazy this past week. I was getting frustrated with the video. I took a video of the girls doing tug of war on field day and posted it on the blog. After replaying it, you can hear several clicks throughout the short video. UGH! I thought we were going to have to return it. After talking to technical support, the man said to return it. He said that he is hearing a lot of those same complaints and they don't know what the issue is with it.
Last night, before taking Rebecca to soccer practice, he hit his foot on her cleat at just the right angle and broke one of his toes. He didn't complain, just went on to the soccer field. They even played a scrimmage game of children verses adults. At home, as he was sitting on the floor with some ice, he was messing around with the camera. Being the great trouble shooter that he is, he figured out what the problem is.

AHHH! While typing this, my new Sony camera just arrived! Yipee!!! Another new toy to play with and figure out. This one has a 15x zoom!
While playing with the Olympus, I am finding all kinds of extras. You can add frames and text to a photo. You can even make a calendar! Here is just a small sample of what the camera offers. And while I'm playing with my new cameras, the girls are having a ball taking pictures with their "new" camera (my old one). * Especially Emily. She's my little photographer.
In His Precious Name,

1 comment:
Awesome! I too am getting a new camera soon. I have had mine for over 4 years now. It's time to upgrade. I'm sticking with Kodak though since that's the software that I use. That is so funny about the clicking sound with your camera! I like the idea of a waterproof camera too.
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