
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

They're growing!

After a science class on vascular plants, we came home and planted a couple beans. Now, I'm not too hopeful of these growing because I do not have a green thumb. I can't keep any type of plants alive. We planted them in a plastic container, some of them close to the side so we can get a good peek at the roots.
Here are the "before" pictures.

And here they are starting to sprout.

This one wasn't even showing above the surface when Rebecca got up. Once Emily got up an hour or so later, here's what she saw. It popped up that quick.

The middle sprout still has the bean attached with the leaves poking out the side.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Look up how to do a sweet potato plant....Nanny used to do them...if I'm remembering right they are fairly easy to do and interesting growing...good luck on your bean crop...hope you aren't planning on that feeding the family!!! Just
Love ya,